J | Payment for brooch (Final Payment)


Final Payment

Postage to the UK is free. Items are sent tracked & insured via Royal Mail. A signature will be required on delivery.

Worldwide postage is a flat rate of £12.25

Items are sent tracked & insured via Royal Mail. A signature will be required on delivery in most countries.

Non UK customers may be liable to pay local taxes on imported goods. Please make sure you are aware of your regional import tax policies before placing an order.

Clarice Jewellery offers layaway payment plans at no extra cost on all orders over the value of £100.00.

A 10% non refundable deposit is required and payments can be split over the course of up to five months. The item will be sent the day the final payment is received.

J | Payment for brooch (Final Payment)


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Payment Plans

All orders can be paid in instalments by selecting Klarna or Paypal at checkout. Please click here to find out more.


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